- 疑似COVID-19相關症狀
- 本人使用快篩試劑呈陽性
- 同住親友(包含學校宿舍、校外租屋處共用衛浴者)使用快篩試劑呈陽性
Title: COVID-19 notification area
If you meet one of the following statuses,
□ I have suspected symptoms of covid-19
□ I have a positive result of the COVID-19 rapid antigen test
□ relatives or friends who live with me (including those who share bathrooms in dormitories and off-campus rental housing) have a positive result of COVID-19.
please call relevant units immediately and cooperate with epidemic prevention measures. Contact info: Health Care Division (05-5524105) during day time and Campus Security Service (0937-651-657) during holidays or night.
COVID-19 self-report link: